Cartoon: begging colleague to use collaboration software

How can I get colleagues to use collaboration software? 

Hi Jeffrey,

This week I introduced Microsoft One Note to my Colleagues and explained that we could profit by using it. But all I got from them was the reply that "One Note does not work properly". I would love to know what are the keys to spark an intrinsic motivation in coworkers.



Hi C,

Firstly, I've never used One Note, so I cannot judge how well it works. But, I assume it works very well. I cannot imagine you'd introduce a useless tool to your colleagues.

The big problem you are facing here is that people do not like change, and they especially do not like being obliged to change routines which they feel are working fine and dandy − and that seems to be what you are asking of your colleagues. To make matters worse, you are demanding time from your colleagues, time that is probably precious (it is in most organisations these days), to learn how to use a new software.

You can argue with your colleagues, until you are blue in the face, that One Note is a better method than what you are doing now. You can shout from the rooftop that it will make it easier and more productive to collaborate. But, from your colleagues' perspective, you are asking them to invest precious time learning a new software and to change the way they collaborate. Moreover, you are demanding their time and that they change with no obvious pay-off to them.

On top of that, if your organisation is like most, your colleagues have probably been asked to learn to use too many software products, some of which were probably not useful and which they soon stopped using. If so, your colleagues will be doubly suspicious of any new software.

From this perspective, it is understandable that your colleagues prefer to say the software does not work properly instead of learning how to use the software.

So, you need a powerful motivator! Fear is a good motivator. If you were CEO, you could simply start assigning tasks using One Note and demand reports via One Note. Anyone failing to conform would be reprimanded and publicly humiliated! Okay, maybe public humiliation is not a good idea, but reprimand would work.

But, you are not a CEO and fear is probably not an option. Another option is appeal to their curiosity, which is particularly effective in an academic environment like yours, and their sense of fun.

For example, why not create a kind of scavenger hunt with One Note clues? Colleagues would have to follow clues, that are on One Note files, in order to answer questions or take an action. The first colleague to complete the hunt wins a bottle of wine, box of chocolate or similar gift. Alternatively, you could do a trivia quiz in which questions are on One Note files and must be answered on One Note files.

Designing such a game would, of course, require an investment in time and wine on your part, but it would make learning to use One Note entertaining rather than drudgery.

Good luck,



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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




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