Cartoon: student compliments professor

My professor does not like me 

Hi Jeffrey,

One of my professors does not like me. She often makes snide remarks when I come to class. Two times she has asked me to move my seat, but she has never asked anyone else to do this. She is hyper-critical of the papers I hand in.

I don't know what I have done to deserve this and I worry about my grades in her class. What do you suggest I do?



Dear B,

It may not be entirely honest, but linger after class one day and when she is alone, go up to her and tell her, "Professor X, I just wanted to tell you that I have really learned a lot from you this year. Thank you for being such an inspiring professor." On another day, ask her for some advice related to her expertise.

This will ignite a little cognitive dissonance in her head. On one hand, she seems to have a low opinion of you. On the other hand, you are clearly bright enough to recognise her great skills − in her mind. And the easiest way for her mind to come to terms with this is to decide she has been mistaken about you and you are a brighter, more astute student than she had originally thought.

Alternatively, it is possible that she likes you more than you realise and, perhaps, is being harder on you than others because she does not want to favour you. In this event, your words will only improve her opinion of you and should work towards ensuring you are graded more fairly for your work.

Good luck,



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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




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