Cartoon: tryng to visualise a non-existant vision

What's our corporate vision? 

Hi Jeffrey,

I've recently been made an innovation manager. To do my job better, I have been reading as much as I can about innovation. I have found your blog very enlightening.

One post in particular resonated with me. You wrote about the importance of strategic vision in terms of innovation and how teams should align idea generation with that vision. But what if your company does not have a strategic vision − at least not one you know of −  and you are too far down the corporate ladder to do anything about it?

I work in a large FMCG company that makes and markets lots of different products. We are well known, but there is no strategic vision that is shared across the organisation or even within the business units. Our business unit certainly has none and this is making it difficult for me to focus innovation.

I asked my direct manager about this and he said something vague about quality and being customer centric.

What would you do if you were in my shoes?


Hi L,

Firstly, thanks for the kind words! Though, strictly speaking, I do not write a blog. Rather I post articles on my web site. But the result is the same!

In a situation such as yours, I suggest you make up a vision statement for your organisation. Create something that fits your product line and, ideally, includes the words "quality" and "customer-centric". Such a move may seem audacious and if it is likely to upset the managers above you, I suggest that you do not call your vision statement a "vision statement", but rather your "innovation focus", which it should also be.

Once you've done this, you will have a focus for your innovation initiative. If it succeeds, the good news is that your innovation focus may actually become your business unit's vision statement. The bad news is, one of your managers is likely to take credit for it. But, don't let that get you down. You and I know it was your idea and it will make your task easier and more likely to be a success.

Good luck,




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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




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