
Reviews from Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads and other social media. If you write a blog or newsletter, review books and would like to review the Insane Journey, get in touch!

What people are writing about The Insane Journey...


'If you wish to take a break of reality and heavy thinking, but at the same time you are quite demanding to what you read, you will find reading this book pleasurable and entertaining. Visualising its characters will boost your imagination, analysing the plot will give you a distant perspective to current society problems and make you laugh at them, modest erotic scenes will make you fantasise :) The book is a good rest for uncalm minds.'


'While "The Insane Journey" is not an esoteric literary masterpiece by any means, this decadent science-fiction romp reads like an amusing travelogue through a near-future Earth hosted by the hedonistic protagonist Maxwell van Mars. It's reminiscent of Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett, but with more naughty bits. I recommend this book for anyone who wants a light holiday read that will be remembered as a guilty pleasure. Bon apetit!'


'This book is made of wild imagination mixed with humor a la Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I could not put it down.'


'This is a good book to read if your tastes run to the unconventional, you like a bit of science fiction, a most open-minded political and social philosophy, and a plot and characters which speeds you along a path you're not completely sure has an ending. This is a perfect read for a long hot summer day (along with a tall cool drink) where you want to get lost in something both fantastic and humorous.'





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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




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