Cartoon:man asking Jeffrey's advice in bar.

Challenge Me With Your Problems, Suggestions and Questions

By Jeffrey Baumgartner

Please challenge me with your creativity and innovation related questions, problems and goals!

I've been writing about creativity and innovation regularly since 2004 and have covered most topics at least once. Some topics I have written about numerous times. Indeed, that is one of the few criticisms I get from readers: that I've written about certain subjects, such as anticonventional thinking, too many ideas and the flaws of traditional brainstorming, too often.

So, I need your help!

Tell me what you would like me to write about. Your suggestion could be a general topic related to creativity, a challenge you face with the innovation initiative in your organisation or even a problem that requires an innovative solution.

So, if you have questions about creativity, have problems with your innovation initiative or face business challenges for which conventional solutions won't suffice, tell me about them.

If I decide to write about your question, I will check with you whether or not you want me to include your name and organisation's name.

Click here to contact me...

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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




My other web projects

My other web projects 100s of articles, videos and cartoons on creativity - possibly useful things I have learned over the years. reflections on international living and travel. - paintings, drawings, photographs and cartoons by Jeffrey