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Innovation Manager Training Introduction

Introduction to the Innovation Manager Training Course (beta)

Welcome to the Innovation Manager training course! This course is suitable for innovation directors, innovation managers and others either in charge of an innovation initiative or expecting to be in charge of one in the future.

In this course, you will learn/rediscover

  1. How to focus your innovation initiative on the things that really matter to your organisation.
  2. How to develop relevant, innovative ideas and get them implemented.
  3. How to get those small improvement ideas to take of themselves.
  4. How to measure results.

How it works

Laptop showing video for Innovation Manager trainingThis training course is broken into a series of modules. Each module includes video instruction, text instruction and worksheet questions. The video and text are similar, so you can choose your preferred medium or use both to enhance the learning experience.

At the end of the training course, you can send me your worksheet with answers for confidential feedback.

Worksheet Questions

Every module ends with a small number of worksheet questions.

If you have any questions, please ask! You can contact me via:

  • Email: Jeffrey@CreativeJeffrey.com
  • Skype ID: EuroJeffrey (please mention "training participant" in your Skype introduction).*
  • Tel: +32 2 305 6591.*
  • Mobile phone/Whatsapp: +32 478 54 94 28 *

* If you telephone, please note that I am in Belgium, where the time is 07:13 (24 hour clock, time is when you opened this page)

At the end of the training, you are invited to send your questions and answers to me for a feedback and advice. Needless-to-say, one component of that advice will be to offer my services (I need to make a living too!). However, I promise also to offer tips that you can apply without having to hire me.


This course and the underlying platform is brand new and there will probably be a bug or two, some typos and other things that do not work as expected. We will fix these as they come. If you notice anything that is not working properly or could be improved, please contact us using the contact information at the bottom of every page of this on-line training.


  1. Parts of this course have been adapted from articles that have been published in Report 103 and on this web site.
  2. All of the material in this course is copyright protected. If you wish to reuse any of the material, please ask permission first.


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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




My other web projects

My other web projects

CreativeJeffrey.com: 100s of articles, videos and cartoons on creativity   Jeffosophy.com - possibly useful things I have learned over the years.   Kwerps.com: reflections on international living and travel.   Ungodly.com - paintings, drawings, photographs and cartoons by Jeffrey